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How to Spend $240

Let’s say you suddenly receive $240 as unexpected income.

So, what would you spend it on?

Would you do that thing you've always wanted to do?
Would you go to that place you've always wanted to visit?
Would you buy that thing you've always wanted?

There are plenty of options, but...

There's one rule: You have to spend it all today.

That changes things a bit, doesn’t it?

Maybe you'd think, "I’m going to have as much fun as possible!"
Or, "I’m going to splurge and treat myself!"
Or, "I’m going to prioritize what truly matters to me!"

I’m sure some of you would feel that way.

"$240 = 24 Hours"

You slept? That’s $70 (hours) deducted.
You ate? That’s $20 (hours) in total.
For all the little things combined, let’s deduct another $30 (hours).

And just like that, your $240 (hours) balance decreases.

Are you spending it on things that bring you no joy, simply out of habit?
Are you spending it on things that make you feel miserable?
Are you spending it staring at an unchangeable past (a big ol’ turd)?
Are you spending it on social media?

No matter how privileged someone is, time is given equally to all.
And how you spend it is entirely up to you.

If You Wake Up Healthy, That Alone Is Like Receiving $240 (Hours) as a Bonus.

There’s no guarantee you’ll get it again tomorrow.
That’s why how you spend it today is entirely up to you.

Even though my updates have slowed down, thank you so much for the likes and messages!

