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Masapi21의 질수록 라디오하면서 들으면서 "말랑 ~ 욱 자신을 되?"まさぴ 21의 머릿속을 비롯해, 라이프 스타일, 심리학, 뇌 과학, 매력, 잠재 의식 등도 관련되어 느슨한 느낌으로 제공합니다. 블로그 나 Youtube와는 색다른 이상한 감각을 맛 보시기 바랍니다. Listen comfortably Gently regain yourself Lifestyle, psychology, brain science, cosmic consciousness, spirituality, subconscious, etc. The content is in Japanese My main is blogging https://masapi21.com/blog https://masapi21.com/blog/category/podcast/ Apple http://20.4w0.net/s/masapi21podcastipple Google http://20.4w0.net/s/googlepodcast Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/5JWheyLcir48KTg24yin9E soundcloud.com https://soundcloud.com/user-256742204 Amazon https://music.amazon.co.jp/podcasts/b0b5256c-23ad-4813-b3e2-3c91dcc8414e/★ Blog SNS Etc ..
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